Smash the 11+ exams with EdPlace!
We’re revolutionising 11+ preparation for your child. With an EdPlace account, you’ll have access to non-verbal, spatial and verbal reasoning resources for ages 8-11 tailored to CEM or GL exam boards; plus 11+ specific English and Maths practice. Track and measure your child's exam readiness and build their confidence so they're more than ready to show their skills come test day!
11+ Spatial and non-verbal reasoning
11+ Verbal reasoning
11+ Maths and numerical reasoning
11+ English
11+ Practice papers
11+ GL-style revision
11+ CEM-style revision
11+ assessments
Get ahead of the game with EdPlace's holistic approach
Tailored resources relevant to exam boards CEM and GL
From ABCs - GCSEs, EdPlace is here for the 11+ and beyond
With a learn, practice and test method proven to improve scores and speed
Discreetly progressing your child from year 3 onward to remove 11+ pressures; making learning enjoyable so they feel confident
We're here to help your child smash whatever comes their way! Our students progress 150% across English, maths and science over a school year - now that's genius!
Our resources are designed to teach skills through our teacher-guided activities and then discreetly test your child with exam-style questions and practice papers. Giving you visibility to their progress.
2D and 3D Shapes: Recognising Descriptions
PREVIEW ACTIVITY3D Shapes: Drawing Dice Dots on Net Cubes
PREVIEW ACTIVITY3D Shapes: Where is the Base of the Cube?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd and Remove Letters to Create New Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd and Remove Letters to Create New Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd and Remove Letters to Create New Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd and Subtract Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Decimals and Estimate the Answer (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Decimals and Estimate the Answer (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Four Letters to Make a Word Using Context
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Letters to Make a Complex Word Using Clues
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Letters to Make a Complex Word Using Clues
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Three Letters to Make a Word Using Clues
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Three Letters to Make a Word Using Context
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Two Large Numbers Using Different Methods
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Two Letters to Make a Word Using Clues
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdd Two Letters to Make a Word Using Context
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdding and Subtracting Fractions with Related Denominators
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdding and Subtracting Fractions with Unrelated Denominators
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdding Square Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdding Suffix -ation 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAdding suffix -ation 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAlgebra: Playing with Number Puzzles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAnalyse Word Categories to Switch Pairs
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAnalyse Word Categories to Switch Pairs
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply categories to words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply categories to words to identify the odd one out
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply categories to words to identify the odd one out
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply existing number codes to create new words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply existing number codes to spell new words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply existing number codes to spell new words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply existing number codes to spell new words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply existing number codes to spell new words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply existing number codes to spell new words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply Letter Code Cracking Skills
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply the Connection to Complete the Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply the Connection to Complete the Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply the Connection to Complete the Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply the Connection to Complete the Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply the Connection to Complete the Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApply the Connection to Complete the Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYApproximate Metric Equivalents for Standard Imperial Measures
PREVIEW ACTIVITYAreas of Rectangles, Parallelograms and Triangles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBalance the Sum so that Both Sides are Equal
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBalance the Sum so that Both Sides are Equal
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBuild Compound Words (Including Different Pronunciations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBuild Compound Words (Including Different Pronunciations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBuild Compound Words (Including Different Pronunciations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBuild Compound Words (Including Roots)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBuild Compound Words (Including Roots)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYBuilding Compound Words (Including Roots)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCalculate Age Using Information from Given Passage
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCalculate Areas: Parallelograms
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCalculate Areas: Triangles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCalculate Measurements Using Information From Given Passage
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCalculating Angles at a Point and on a Straight Line
PREVIEW ACTIVITYChange Missing Number Problems into Algebra (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYChange Missing Number Problems into Algebra (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYChange the Gender of Words 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYChange the Gender of Words 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYChoose the Correct Prefix
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCommon Denominators
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete Sequences by Filling in Gaps
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete Symmetric Figures (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete the Double Letter Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete the Image Series
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete the Sum to Find the Missing Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete the Sum to Find the Missing Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete the Sum to Find the Missing Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYComplete the Sum to Find the Missing Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConnect Challenging Synonyms
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConnect Challenging Synonyms
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConnect Challenging Synonyms
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConnect Synonyms with the Strongest Link
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConnect Synonyms with the Strongest Link
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConnect Synonyms with the Strongest Link
PREVIEW ACTIVITYContextualise Homophones
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConvert Decimal Angles to Degrees, Minutes and Seconds
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConvert Decimals to Fractions
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConvert Fractions to Decimals Using Division (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConvert Fractions to Decimals Using Division (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConvert Metric Measurements From One Unit to Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYConvert Percentages to Decimals
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCoordinate Grids: Missing Corners
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCorrectly Complete the Rhyming Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCorrectly Spell and Define the Homophone
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCounting Cash: Solving Money Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCounting in Steps of 10 000 and 100 000
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCounting in Steps of 100 and 1000
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCreate a new word using letter position patterns
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCreate a new word using letter position patterns
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCreate an Antonym Using a Prefix
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCubes and Cuboids: Calculate Volumes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCubes and Cuboids: Calculate Volumes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCubes and Cuboids: Estimate and Compare Volumes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYCubes and Cuboids: Estimate and Compare Volumes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDemonstrate Understanding of Homonym Meanings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDemonstrate Understanding of Letter Codes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDemonstrate Your Understanding of Antonyms
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDescribe a Rotation Using an Anchor
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDescribe Features of a Rotated Complex Shape
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDescribe the Movement of a Complex Shape
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDiscover New Homonyms
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDiscover the Missing Pair
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDistinguish Between Common Homophones 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDistinguish Between Common Homophones 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDivide a Number with One Decimal Place by a Single-Digit Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDivide a Number with Two Decimal Places by a Single-Digit Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDivide by 3, 4, 5 and 6 with Remainders
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDivide Decimals and Estimate the Answer (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDivide Decimals and Estimate the Answer (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing by 2, 3, 4 and 5: How Many Remain?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing by 2: How Many Remains?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing by 3: How Many Remain?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing by 4: How Many Remain?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing by 5: How Many Remain?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing Decimals by 10, 100, 1000
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing Fractions (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing Fractions (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYDividing Numbers: Is the Answer Odd or Even?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYEquation with Two Variables: How Many Answers? (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYEquation with Two Variables: How Many Answers? (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYEquations: Solutions to Harder Equations with Two Unknowns
PREVIEW ACTIVITYEquations: Solutions to Simple Equations with Two Unknowns
PREVIEW ACTIVITYEstimate the Answer to an Addition by Rounding
PREVIEW ACTIVITYExchange Two Words in Sentences with More Than One Clause
PREVIEW ACTIVITYExchange Two Words in Sentences with More Than One Clause
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFactors and Prime Factors (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFactors and Prime Factors (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFill the Gap in the Homophone Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFill the Sequence Blank
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFill the Sequence Gap
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind all the 3D Black Arrangements which Match a Plan View
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Alphabet Sequences Using Single Letter Pairs Moving Forwards and Backwards
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Alphabetical Sequences using Single Letter Pairs moving Forwards or Backwards
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind and Apply Rules in Changing Sequences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind and Apply Rules in Regular and Irregular Sequences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind and Apply Sequence Rules (Addition and Subtraction)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind and Apply Sequence Rules (Addition and Subtraction)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind and Apply Sequence Rules (Addition)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Double Letter Codes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Double Letter Codes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Hidden Many-Sided, Irregular Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Percentages of the Given Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Regular and Irregular Shapes Hiding Inside Images
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Rotations of Combined Shape
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Rotations of Simple Compound Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind Simple Percentages of the Given Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the 4 Letter Word Hidden Between 2 Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the 4 Letter Word Hidden Between 2 Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the 4 Letter Word Hidden between 2 words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the 4 Letter Word Hidden Between 2 Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the 4 Letter Word Hidden Inbetween 2 Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Alphabet Sequence Using Single Letter Pairs Moving Forwards or Backwards
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Common Multiples
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Correct Image After Two Hole Punches
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Correct Image with Two Punches and a Diagonal Fold
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Correct Position of the Fold Line
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Correct Prefix
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Corrected Rotated Shape Made of Cubes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Four Letter Word Hidden Between Two Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Missing Numbers in the Equation
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Next Letter and Number Pair in a Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Next Letter and Number Pair in a Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Next Letter and Number Pair in a Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Number Rule
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Original Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Plan View for 3D Cube Arrangements including Towers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Plan View for 3D Cube Arrangements with Layers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Plan View to Match More than one 3D Shape Arrangement
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Related Homonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Relationship Between a Plan View and a 3D Shape Arrangement
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Rotated 'T', 'U' and 'L' Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Rotated Cube Shape by Counting Cubes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFind the Smallest Multiple of Two Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFinding 10% of a Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFinding 20% of a Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFinding Multiples: Is the Answer Odd or Even?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFinding Multiples: Is the Answer Odd or Even?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFinding the Third Angle of a Triangle
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFinish the Homophone Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFold Regular and Irregular Shapes Along a Straight Line Fold
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFold Regular and Irregular Shapes Up and Down
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFold Regular or Irregular Shapes Along a Central Fold
PREVIEW ACTIVITYForm the Missing Word in a Scrambled Set
PREVIEW ACTIVITYForm the Missing Word in a Scrambled Set
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFormulae: Can I Use a Volume Formula?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFormulae: Can I Use a Volume Formula?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYFour-Digit Numbers: Place Value (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry and 3D Shapes: Identifying Cuboid Nets (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry and 3D Shapes: Identifying Cuboid Nets (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry: Angles at a Point
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry: Faces, Vertices and Edges of 3D Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry: Measuring Angles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry: Reflective Symmetry
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry: Triangle Names and Angles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYGeometry: What's the Angle?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYHaiku Poems: Understanding the Features
PREVIEW ACTIVITYHalving Simple Decimals
PREVIEW ACTIVITYHigh to Low: What is the Order?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYHow Many Factors? (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYHow Many Factors? (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYHow Many Factors? (3)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify a new word using letter patterns
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify a new word using letter position patterns
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Adverbs in a Sentence 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Adverbs in a Sentence 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Adverbs in a Sentence 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Alphabetic Pattern to Crack Code
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify and Apply the Correct Number Rule
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify and Memorise Square Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify and Use Relevant Information in Given Text
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify categories for words to fit into
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify categories for words to fit into
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify categories to group words into
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Different Combinations which Create the Same Shape
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Double Letter Codes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Factors and Multiples
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Factors and Multiples
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Homonyms as Verbs or Nouns
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Jumbled Words Using Clues
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Lines of Symmetry (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Nets of Cubes, Pyramids and Cuboids
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify position and number to find the odd one out
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify position and number to find the odd one out
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify position and number to find the odd one out
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Powerful Verbs in Sentences 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Similarities and Differences between Inner and Outer Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Smaller Shapes Used to Create Larger Combined Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Square Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Square Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Text Meaning
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the 2D Nets of Cubes, Cuboids, Cones and Prisms
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the 3D Cube Net
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Blocks Used to Make Compound 3D Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Complex Missing Word in a Scrambled Set
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Complex Missing Word in a Scrambled Set
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Complex Missing Word in a Scrambled Set
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Correct Homonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Correct Homophone
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Correct Option when Two Holes are Punched
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Correct Rhyming Synonym or Antonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Exact Shape
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Following Letter Value
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Homonyms that Fit
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Larger Fraction
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Matching Rotated 2D Shape
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Missing Letter Pair
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Missing Symbol to Complete the 4 Box Grid
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Missing Symbol to Complete the 4 Box Grid
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Missing Symbol to Complete the 9 Box Grid
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Missing Word in a Scrambled Set
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Missing Word in a Scrambled Set
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Nets of More Complex 3D Shapes 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Position of the Holes in Folded and Unfolded Paper
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Related Homonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Rhyming Antonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify the Rhyming Synonym in a List
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify themes and categorise words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify themes and categorise words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify themes and categorise words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIdentify Where Holes will be Punched after Two Punches
PREVIEW ACTIVITYImplement letter patterns to create new words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYImplement letter position patterns to create new words.
PREVIEW ACTIVITYImplement letter positioning patterns to create new words.
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInterpret Timetables: When's the Next Train? (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInterpreting Tables: What is the Distance? (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInterpreting Tables: What is the Distance? (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInterpreting Tables: What is the Time Difference?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInterpreting Timetables: When's the Next Train? (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInterpreting Timetables: When's the Next Train? (3)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInvestigate Prepositions 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYInvestigate Prepositions 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIs it a Prime Number or Composite? (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYIs it a Prime Number or Composite? (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYJoin and Divide Simple Compound Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYJoin and Divide Simple Compound Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYJoin and Divide Simple Compound Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow the Net: What's the 3D Shape?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your 2D Shapes: Finding Lines of Symmetry
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Apostrophes: Marking Possession 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Apostrophes: Marking Possession 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Apostrophes: Marking Possession 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Homophones: where, were and we're
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Metric Conversions and Your Fractions
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Numbers: Alternative Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Numbers: What's Half Way? (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Numbers: Which is Bigger?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Prefixes and Suffixes: Forming Diminutives
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Prefixes and Suffixes: Forming Diminutives
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Prefixes: ad- and al-
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Prefixes: sub-
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Prime Numbers: Which Ones are Missing?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Square Numbers: Fill in the Gaps
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Square Numbers: Fill in the Gaps
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: -cian
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: -ive
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: Make Adjectives into Nouns 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: Make Adjectives into Nouns 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: Make Adjectives into Nouns 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: Make Adjectives into Nouns 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: Make Adjectives into Nouns 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYKnow Your Suffixes: Make Adjectives into Nouns 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYLearn Facts from a Poem
PREVIEW ACTIVITYLearn to Order Jumbled Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYLong Multiplication
PREVIEW ACTIVITYLow to High: What is the Order?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMatch Each Antonym to its Clue
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMatch Each Word with the Correct Clue
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMatch Symbols by Finding the Relationship
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMatch Symbols by Finding the Relationship
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMatch the Combined Shape
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMatch the Symbols by Finding the Relationship
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMatchstick Patterns (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMeasurement: Calculating Cuboid Dimensions
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMeasurement: Calculating Cuboid Dimensions
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMeasurement: Converting Measurements to Solve Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMeasurement: Find Approximate Equivalents
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMeasurement: Problem Solving (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMeasurement: Problem Solving (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMeasuring and Recognising Different Types of Angles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMove a Letter to Create a New Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMove a Letter to Create a New Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMove a Letter to Create a New Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiples: Fill in the Ascending Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiples: Fill in the Descending Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiplication of Decimal Numbers by Single Digit Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply Decimal Numbers by One-Digit Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply Decimal Numbers by Whole Numbers (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply Decimal Numbers by Whole Numbers (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply Decimals and Estimate the Answer
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply Four-Digit Numbers by a One-Digit Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply Numbers with Two Decimal Places
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply Two Rounded Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiply with Decimals and Estimate Answers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiplying a 3-Digit Number by a 2-Digit Number
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiplying Decimals by 10, 100, 1000
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiplying Simple Fractions (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYMultiplying Simple Fractions (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYOrder 5-Digit Numbers: > or < ?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYOrder 5-Digit Numbers: Smallest First
PREVIEW ACTIVITYOrder 5-Digit Numbers: What Lies Between?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPair Synonyms with Multiple Meanings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPair Synonyms With Multiple Meanings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPair Synonyms With Multiple Meanings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPair the Rhyming Synonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPatterns and Number Sequence: Fill in the Gaps
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPercentages: What’s the Discount and Final Price?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPlacing Three 5-Digit Numbers in Descending Order
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPractise Jumbled Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYPractise Synonym Jumbled Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRearrange Anagrams to Find the Original Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecalling Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecalling Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecognise and Apply the Correct Number Rule
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecognise the Accurate Prefix
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecognise the Correct Antonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecognise the Jumbled Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecognise the Missing Letter Pair
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecognise which Homonyms Fit
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRecognise Which Homonyms Relate
PREVIEW ACTIVITYReducing Fractions
PREVIEW ACTIVITYReflections on Coordinate Axes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRemove a Letter to Create a New Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRemove a Letter to Create a New Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRemove a Letter to Create a New Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRevise Root Words: Adding Prefixes 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRevise Root Words: Adding Prefixes 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRevise Verb Endings: -s, -ed and -ing 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRoot Words: Using Suffixes to Make Verbs 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRoot Words: Using Suffixes to Make Verbs 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRoot Words: Using Suffixes to Make Verbs 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRoot Words: Using Suffixes to Make Verbs 3
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRound and Add Numbers
PREVIEW ACTIVITYRound Numbers to the Nearest Ten
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSame Area - Different Perimeter
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSame Perimeter - Different Area
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect a Letter to Complete One Word and Begin Another
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSelect the Correct Set of Letters
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSentence Composition: Single and Multi Clauses
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSentence Structure: Using 'if' 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSequences: Describe Linear Number Sequences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSequences: Describe Linear Number Sequences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSequences: Generate Linear Number Sequences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSequences: Generate Linear Number Sequences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYShade Fractions of a Circle
PREVIEW ACTIVITYShade Fractions of a Circle
PREVIEW ACTIVITYShading Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYShading Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYShading Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSimilar Shape Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSimple 2D Shapes: Find Their Areas (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSimple 2D Shapes: Find Their Areas (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve Comprehension about a Friend's Day Out
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve Height Related Word Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve Multiplication Problems (3)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve Multiplication Problems (4)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve Shopping Word Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve the Anagram Inside the Bracket
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve the Antonym Anagram
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve the Clues to Unscramble the Anagram
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve the Double Letter Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolve the Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSolving Number Problems: Odd Numbers and Doubling
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSpell Verb and Noun Homophone Pairs
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSpot Multiple Features in Rotated Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSpot Rotations of Compound Shapes using Shading, Size and Outline
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSpot the Combined Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSpot the Equivalent 3D Cube Net
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSpot the Relationship between Inner and Outer Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSpot the Relevant Homophone
PREVIEW ACTIVITYStatistics: Reading a Speed-Time Graph
PREVIEW ACTIVITYStudying Line Graphs: How Long is the Journey?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYStudying Line Graphs: How Many Bike Journeys?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Calculations With Brackets
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Calculations With Brackets
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Calculations With Brackets
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Complex Calculations
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Complex Calculations (All Four Operations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Complex Calculations (All Four Operations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Complex Calculations (All Four Operations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Complex Calculations (All Four Operations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSubstitute Numbers for Letters in Complex Calculations (All Four Operations)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSwitch Words with Similar Spellings or Meanings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSwitch Words with Similar Spellings or Meanings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYSwitch Words with Similar Spellings or Meanings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTelling the Time: Converting Between Formats
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTemperature: What's the Rise and Fall? (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTranslate Letter Codes into Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTranslations on a Grid
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTranslations on Coordinate Axes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTriangles: Calculate Unknown Angles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTriangles: Calculate Unknown Angles
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTriangles: Finding Their Areas
PREVIEW ACTIVITYTwo Fractions: Which One is Larger?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUncover Jumbled Words Using Context
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Additional Layers to Finish Image Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Auxiliary Verbs
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Homophone Spellings
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Letter Code Breaking
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Personification
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Rotation to Complete Image Sequence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Tenses: Verb Awareness 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Tenses: Verb Awareness 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Verb and Noun Homophone Pairs
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Verb Prefixes: De- 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Verb Prefixes: Dis- 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Verb Prefixes: Mis- 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Verb Prefixes: Over- 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Verb Prefixes: Over- 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnderstand Verb Prefixes: Re- 2
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnequal Sharing Using Multiples
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnits of Measure: Changing to Smaller Units
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnits of Measure: Converting Kilometres to Metres
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnits of Measure: Converting Litres and Millilitres
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnits of Measure: Kilograms and Grams
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnscramble Jumbled Words Using Context
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnscramble the Anagram to Complete the Sentence
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnscramble the Anagram to Find the Synonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUnscramble the Anagram to Spell the Antonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse a Prefix to Create an Antonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse Clues to Identify Jumbled Words
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse Criteria to Spot Similar Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse Family Trees to Solve Word Problem
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse Synonyms to Unscramble the Word
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse the Clue to Identify the Antonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse the Clue to Work Out the Synonym
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse Words to Describe Shape Relationships
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUse Words to Explain How Shapes are Related
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUsing Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUsing Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Equivalences
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUsing Simple Formulae (1)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUsing Simple Formulae (2)
PREVIEW ACTIVITYUsing the 24-hour Clock: What's the Time?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYVisualise Folding Regular and Irregular Shapes Along a Horizontal Fold Line
PREVIEW ACTIVITYVisualise Rotating and Joining Irregular 2D Shapes
PREVIEW ACTIVITYWhat is the Digit Worth?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYWhat Number has Been Squared?
PREVIEW ACTIVITYWork Out Age and Time Related Word Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYWork Out Subject Word Problems
PREVIEW ACTIVITYWork Out the 3D Cube Net
PREVIEW ACTIVITYWrite Headlines for Newspaper Reports
PREVIEW ACTIVITYWriting: Making Vocabulary Choices 1
PREVIEW ACTIVITYHow to use our resources to achieve results
Here at EdPlace, we believe that helping your child achieve their best on the 11+ exam doesn’t start in year 5. It’s important to understand your child’s full potential and help them develop the skills needed as early as year 3. This will also help you gauge your child’s prospects, ensuring they really shine at grammar school. Our aim is to help take away the exam pressure for your child whilst building their skills and confidence so they can achieve their best. Our revision resources are designed to help students aged 8 to 11 build up to the skills and levels needed to pass the 11+. We’re confident our non-verbal, spatial and verbal reasoning, maths/numerical reasoning and English resources tailored to CEM and GL will help your child soar; and whatever the outcome, we’ll be here to support them on the other side of the 11+ exam too, right up to GCSE!
Learn the skills using our resources, practice what you’ve learnt with our exam-style questions and test for exam readiness with our practice papers - success!
We’re here to help you support your child’s 11+ preparation. Here you’ll find valuable advice about your region, schools, exam boards, preparation and more.
7 top tips for 11 Plus Exam Preparation (2025) Every year, approximately 100,000 children take …
An article about the main features of the 11+ exam.
This article will give information about the eight Grammar School choices in Birmingham and the 11+ …
Everything you need to know about how, when and where to prepare your child for their 11+.
This article aims to outline the reasons why children don't get offered places at Grammar Schools an…
This article outlines the content of the 11+ exam written by CEM and which regions sit the CEM exam.
This article will explain the process for registering for and sitting the selective tests required f…
This article will explain the process for sitting the Kent Test and making applications to Kent gram…
This article outlines the process for making applications for selective grammar schools and selectiv…
This post will summarise what you can do to prepare your child for the 11+ from as early as year 3.
This article outlines the content of the 11+ exam written by GL assessment and which regions sit the…
This article explains how the 11+ process works in Buckinghamshire and outlines the thirteen grammar…
Is your child due to sit the Eleven Plus this year? Are you looking to find some more information on…
Access thousands of 11+ resources
"Since using EdPlace I have noticed my son’s confidence in maths and English. I am so happy that I found this website and would recommend all parents to use EdPlace for their children." Fay
"Great platform, I saw a dramatic improvement in my son’s progress within as little as a month." Ellie Storey
"I am so pleased I came across EdPlace, invaluable, and easy to navigate. Great value for money. A great asset." Jenny H
We’re revolutionising 11+ preparation for your child. With an EdPlace account, you’ll have access to non-verbal, spatial and verbal reasoning resources for ages 8-11 tailored to CEM or GL exam boards; plus 11+ specific English and Maths practice. Track and measure your child's exam readiness and build their confidence so they're more than ready to show their skills come test day!
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