We’re helping students ignite their potential

Learn more about EdPlace

Our mission is to help millions of students achieve academic success, and beyond!

Meet our founder,
Will Paterson.

I founded EdPlace because of my experiences at school. As a dyslexic I had a lot of challenges. One of the biggest challenges I faced was being told that I wasn’t smart enough, but I turned this into an opportunity to prove people wrong.

Looking back, that was made possible by these key things:

  • Support, I was lucky enough to have huge support from my parents. It was their involvement that helped me get the best results.

  • Hard work and confidence. These two things go hand in hand. I knew I’d put the work in and I believed I would succeed.

At EdPlace these make up the backbone of our approach to learning.

We do this by providing access to hyper relevant resources that are delivered in an engaging format, personalised to your child’s specific needs using AI-technology, and ultimately inspiring confidence We call it, learning smart; it’s what delivers the best results. In fact, students that use us see a 150%+ increase in their progress over an academic year.

We don’t define the education system but we can turn its challenges into opportunities that help us get the results that set us up for life. For home educators, after school learners, exam revisers and everything in between, it’s your stories that inspire us. We’re here to help your child succeed.


“It is [the parents] support of learning within the home environment that makes the maximum difference to achievement.”

Research Report DCSF-RW004

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The building blocks for academic success and beyond

EdPlace students see 150% progress in English, maths and science

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    Trackable and measurable with insights on progress

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    We help identify gaps in learning and make recommendations so your child can achieve their best

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    Using AI, we personalise your child’s learning journey, helping them progress faster and build confidence

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    Relevant resources created by teachers in English, maths, science and 11+ aligned to the National Curriculum and exam boards

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Our dedicated team of authors are highly qualified teachers who meticulously craft our resources to ensure they are engaging, effective and aligned with the UK National Curriculum and examboards

Our expert tutors lead our online 1-1 and group tuition sessions. With their profound knowledge and passionate teaching approach, they inspire and motivate students, fostering a love for learning.


Mrs McAll


Maths Teacher

"Don't be afraid to attempt something in case you get it wrong, making mistakes helps us learn."

Mrs Shahanara


Science Teacher

"Exam questions and mark schemes are your best friend! After reviewing a topic, test yourself by doing a exam-style question and use the mark scheme to see where you're confident and what to revise further."

Mrs Sheffield


English Teacher

"When you're choosing quotations to learn from your set texts, choose ones that you have the most to say about. If you choose carefully, just one quotation could cover a character as well as a variety of themes!"

Mr Berkeley


Science Teacher

"Enjoy writing and never be frightened of putting your ideas down on paper."

Miss Fulcher


11+ Teacher

When you come across a new word, look it up in a dictionary (or ask Alexa what it means!). Then draw a picture on a post-it to help you remember the meaning of the word. Stick the post-it with the word and picture up somewhere to help you remember it. Our brain is better at remembering pictures than words.

Miss Handa


English Teacher

Don't be scared to get analysis 'wrong' in English. Use your instinct because you are the reader and your analysis is as important as that of the professional critic. Go on and write down that wacky idea: you might be onto something, there!

Miss Zielinska


Maths Teacher

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and it's also true in mathematics. Draw a diagram to help you with more complex questions. If it's a geometry question, a picture can help you work out what steps to take. Algebra questions can often be illustrated with a bar model.

Mrs Tooze


Maths Teacher

Go slow to go fast! Take your time to read the introduction and teacher explanations carefully...these will help you to master a new skill and accelerate your learning.

Mrs Tripp


English Teacher

Read each question carefully, and at least twice. Make sure you gain a good understanding of what the question is asking. Start with what you know. Believe that you can do it and give it a shot. All you can do is your best and that is good enough. If you don't succeed always try again, as the more you practise the better you will become.

Mrs Martin


English Teacher

When revising, try to break a subject down in to little chunks and don’t overwhelm yourself trying to revise it all in one go.

Mrs Grahame


English Teacher

The best answers on the English paper talk a lot about a little. Spend time unpicking a quote before you move on to the next one.

Mr Smith


Science Teacher

Reading is not revising! PLEASE take this bit of advice. Read the book, then use the information in a creative fun way. Make a story, make a poster, DO EXAM QUESTIONS. Just use the information you read!

Mr Taylor


Science Teacher

Science is great because you can use the ideas you learn in so many situations. That's also what can make it hard to learn- you can't just repeat some buzzwords. Make sure you know the key principles- EdPlace will help you with that a lot. But also, be curious about the world around you. Think- why is that plant, or that machine, the way it is? Chances are that biology, chemistry and physics will have a lot to do with it!

Mr Parkinson


Maths Teacher

Revise using mark schemes. There’s only a certain amount of ways you can ask a question in Maths. If you learn what the examiner is asking and how they expect to see an answer, you’ll smash the exams!

Mr De La Mare


Maths Teacher

Many students believe they are not good at maths. If you think like this you'll probably be right. You must believe in yourself and your own ability. Success in maths is as much about confidence as ability. Believe you are good at maths and you will be!

Mrs Vaughan


Maths Teacher

Revise a little Maths every day. Frequent practise of previously studied skills makes them easier to remember.

Miss Miller


11+ Teacher

Take lots of mini breaks to break up your revision. Short, focussed bursts are so much more productive than long, tiring sessions that get boring. So every 20-30 minutes, make sure you take some time out to dance to your favourite song, have a snack, run around outside for 5 minutes, play with your pet - whatever will make you feel happy and refresh you between your revision sessions!

Ms Carey


11+ Teacher

My top tip to study smart is to know your 'why'. Why am I learning this? How will learning this be useful? What will it help me to achieve? Knowing the answers to these questions and reminding yourself of this when the studying feels a bit tough is the best motivation to keep you going.

Miss Keller


English Teacher

Make your revision as colourful as possible using stickers, highlighters and felt-tip pens.  Not only will this make the revision more fun to do but it will also make it more fun to look at later on, meaning that you’ll be much more likely to read and reread it.

Mrs Corden


11+ Teacher

Choose small, manageable goals and work towards them a little every day until you get there. Never stop striving to be the best you can be!

Mr Najat


Science Teacher

Paraphrasing concepts and terms into your own words can help you understand difficult topics much faster, and helps amazingly when you come back to notes months later for revision and need to pick up and understand old information quickly!