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EdPlace Discount Codes 2025

 Identify learning gaps with EdPlace's combined subject, catch-up and termly benchmark assessments

Our voucher codes and offers

 Whether you’ve never used our learning resources before or you’ve enjoyed some of our worksheets with a free account, there’s no better time to sign up for the full experience than with one of our EdPlace discount codes, brand new for 2025! 


Our learning resources start from Key Stage 1 and can help to support your child’s educational journey as they progress through Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3 and even as they prepare for the all-important GCSEs. Our resources are perfect to help your child outside of the classroom, or whether you’re embarking on your own homeschooling journey. With UK homeschooling discount codes, EdPlace offers and coupon codes, you can enjoy our online learning resources for less! Whatever the reason, enjoy all of our amazing worksheets, activities and other resources with one of our January 2025 EdPlace discounts, promos and voucher codes.

PARENTS - Try a KS3 online group tuition taster session in English, maths or science for just £5 

Get 39% off with an Annual subscription (saving at least £85 a year compared to a monthly subscription)

PARENTS - Complete 5 activites a month for FREE with a free subscription

TEACHERS - FREE student access during school hours for up to 30 students

TUTORS - Trial our Tutor subscription for 14 days for just £1

Catch-up assessments

Combined subject assessments

Termly benchmark assessments

Who are EdPlace?

We're your National Curriculum aligned online education content provider helping each child succeed in English, maths and science from year 1 to GCSE. With an EdPlace account you’ll be able to track and measure progress, helping each child achieve their best. We build confidence and attainment by personalising each child’s learning at a level that suits them.

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