We’re revolutionising GCSE revision for your child. With an EdPlace account, you’ll have access to Maths foundation and higher content, English Literature, English Language and Single and Combined Science - all in one place. Our mission is to provide you and your child with the tools you need for them to build a foundation which sets them up for life, whatever they’re dreams and ambitions. Track and measure your child's exam readiness and build their confidence so they're more than ready to show their skills come test day!
Analyse Language in the Poem 'Storm on the Island' by Seamus Heaney
Analyse the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland
Apply Understanding of Language Techniques to 'The Emigree' and 'The Prelude' and Analyse The Effect
Apply your Understanding and Analyse the Language in the Poem 'War Photographer'
Apply your Understanding and Analyse the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker
Apply Your Understanding of Language Techniques to both 'Poppies' and 'War Photographer' and Analyse Their Effect
Apply Your Understanding of Language Techniques to both 'Tissue' and 'Ozymandias' and Analyse their Effect.
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in 'Before You Were Mine' and Other Poems
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in 'My Last Duchess'
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in 'Ozymandias'
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in 'Singh Song!' and Other Poems
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in 'Winter Swans' and Other Poems
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in Extract from 'The Prelude' and other Poems
Compare and Evaluate the Presentation and Effectiveness of ideas in 'London'
Compare the Language in 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Compare the Language in Both 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson and 'Bayonet Charge' by Ted Hughes
Compare the Language Techniques in Both 'Kamikaze' and 'Poppies' and Analyse the Effect
Comparing and Evaluating the Effectiveness and Presentation of ideas in 'Climbing My Grandfather'
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of 'The Emigree' by Carol Rumens
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'Checking Out Me History'
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'Remains' by Simon Armitage
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual features of the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate and Compare Ideas in 'The Emigree' by Carol Rumens and 'The Prelude' by William Wordsworth
Evaluate and Compare the Ideas in 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate and Compare the poets' ideas in both 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland and 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's Ideas in both 'Checking Out Me History' and 'London'
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's Ideas in both 'Poppies' by Jane Weir and 'War Photographer' by Carol Anne Duffy
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's Ideas in Both 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's ideas in both 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson and 'Bayonet Charge' by Ted Hughes
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's Ideas in Both 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker and 'Ozymandias' by Percy Shelley.
Evaluate Language and Techniques in the Poem 'Storm on the Island' by Seamus Heaney
Evaluate Language Techniques in the Poem 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen
Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Themes in the Poem 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen
Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Themes in the Poem 'Storm on the Island' by Seamus Heaney
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Presentation of Themes in 'Before You Were Mine'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Presentation of Themes in 'Climbing My Grandfather'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Presentation of Themes in 'My Last Duchess'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Presentation of Themes in 'Winter Swans'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Presentation of Themes in the Poem 'Checking Out Me History'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in 'The Emigree' by Carol Rumens
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the Poem 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland.
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the Poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the Poem 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker.
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Key Themes in 'The Prelude'
Evaluate the Language Techniques Used in 'The Emigree' by Carol Rumens
Evaluate the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland
Evaluate the Language Techniques used in the poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Evaluate the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
Evaluate the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker
Evaluate the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Explore Contextual Information in 'Storm on the Island' by Seamus Heaney
Explore How Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'Checking Out Me History'
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in 'The Emigree' by Carol Rumens
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Explore how Themes Develop in the Poem 'Storm on the Island' by Seamus Heaney
Identify and Compare Key Content in 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Identify and Explain Key Contextual Features in 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen
Identify and Explain Key Quotations in the Poem 'Remains' by Simon Armitage
Identify and Explain Key Quotations in the Poem 'Storm on the Island'
Identify and Explain Key Themes in 'Storm on the Island' by Seamus Heaney
Identify and Explain the Key Quotes in the poem 'Checking Out Me History' by John Agard
Identify and Explain the Key Quotes in the poem 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland
Identify and Explain the Key Quotes in the poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Identify and Explain the Key Quotes in the Poem 'The Emigree' by Carol Rumens
Identify and Explain the Key Quotes in the Poem 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker
Identify and Explain the Key Themes in 'The Emigree' by Carol Rumens
Identify and Explain the Key Themes in the Poem 'Kamikaze' by Beatrice Garland
Identify and Explain the Key Themes in the poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Identify and Explain the Key Themes in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
Identify and Explain the Key Themes in the Poem 'Tissue' by Imtiaz Dharker
Identify Key Content in both 'Poppies' and 'War Photographer' and Explain How They Compare
Identify Key Content in Both 'Tissue' and 'Ozymandias' and Explain How They Compare.
Identify Key Content in Both 'War Photographer' and 'Remains' and Explain How They Compare
Identify the Key Content in both 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' and 'Bayonet Charge' and Explain How They Compare
Identify the Key Content in Both 'The Emigree' and 'The Prelude' and Explain How They Compare
Understand and Analyse Language Technique in 'Remains' and 'War Photographer'
Understand and Analyse the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'Remains'
Understand and Analyse the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Analyse the role of key characters and their development in 'Macbeth'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Tempest'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and Their Impact in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Tempest'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Macbeth'
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (3) - Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Witches (Act I, Scene 3)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (4) - Macbeth is Persuaded (Act I, Scene 7)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (5) - Macbeth's Dagger Soliloquy (Act II, Scene 1)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (6) - Duncan's Murder (Act II, Scene 2)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (7) - After the Murder (Act III, Scene 2)
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Analyse the Role of the Key Characters and Their Development in 'Never Let Me Go'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Animal Farm'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Anita and Me'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Lord of the Flies'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Never Let Me Go'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and Their Development in 'Never Let Me Go'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in Animal Farm
Analyse Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Jane Eyre'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Great Expectations'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Jane Eyre'
Evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation of themes in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Explore how Themes Develop in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Understand the Context of 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Analyse the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Compare the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Taste of Honey.'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'A Taste of Honey'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'A Taste of Honey'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Blood Brothers'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'A Taste of Honey'
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Analyse the role of key characters and their development in 'Macbeth'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Tempest'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and Their Impact in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Tempest'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Macbeth'
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (3) - Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Witches (Act I, Scene 3)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (4) - Macbeth is Persuaded (Act I, Scene 7)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (5) - Macbeth's Dagger Soliloquy (Act II, Scene 1)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (6) - Duncan's Murder (Act II, Scene 2)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (7) - After the Murder (Act III, Scene 2)
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Analyse the Role of the Key Characters and their Development in 'Journey's End'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Animal Farm'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Anita and Me'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Blood Brothers'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Journey's End'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Lord of the Flies'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in Animal Farm
Analyse Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Jane Eyre'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Great Expectations'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Jane Eyre'
Evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation of themes in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Explore how Themes Develop in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Understand the Context of 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Apply your Understanding and Analyse the Language in the Poem 'War Photographer'
Apply Your Understanding of Language Techniques to both 'Poppies' and 'War Photographer' and Analyse Their Effect
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in 'My Last Duchess'
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in Extract from 'The Prelude' and other Poems
Compare and Evaluate the Presentation and Effectiveness of ideas in 'London'
Compare the Language in 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Compare the Language in Both 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson and 'Bayonet Charge' by Ted Hughes
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual features of the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
Describe and Explain the Key Contextual Features of the Poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate and Compare the Ideas in 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's Ideas in both 'Poppies' by Jane Weir and 'War Photographer' by Carol Anne Duffy
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's Ideas in Both 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate and Compare the Writer's ideas in both 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson and 'Bayonet Charge' by Ted Hughes
Evaluate Language Techniques in the Poem 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen
Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Themes in the Poem 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen
Evaluate the Effectiveness of Presentation of Themes in 'My Last Duchess'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the Poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Key Themes in the poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Key Themes in 'The Prelude'
Evaluate the Language Techniques used in the poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Evaluate the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
Evaluate the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Explore How the Key Themes Develop in the Poem 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Identify and Compare Key Content in 'Remains' by Simon Armitage and 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
Identify and Explain Key Contextual Features in 'Exposure' by Wilfred Owen
Identify and Explain the Key Quotes in the poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Identify and Explain the Key Themes in the poem 'Poppies' by Jane Weir
Identify and Explain the Key Themes in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade'
Identify Key Content in both 'Poppies' and 'War Photographer' and Explain How They Compare
Identify the Key Content in both 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' and 'Bayonet Charge' and Explain How They Compare
Understand and Analyse Language Technique in 'Remains' and 'War Photographer'
Understand and Analyse the Language Techniques Used in the Poem 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Evaluate the Use of Phytomining and Bioleaching in Metal Extraction
Evaluate the Use of Phytomining and Bioleaching in Metal Extraction
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Analyse the role of key characters and their development in 'Macbeth'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and Their Impact in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Macbeth'
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (3) - Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Witches (Act I, Scene 3)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (4) - Macbeth is Persuaded (Act I, Scene 7)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (5) - Macbeth's Dagger Soliloquy (Act II, Scene 1)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (6) - Duncan's Murder (Act II, Scene 2)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (7) - After the Murder (Act III, Scene 2)
Analyse Transport Systems in Multicellular and Single-Celled Organisms
Explain Transport Systems in Multicellular and Single-Celled Organisms
Understand Transport Systems in Multicellular and Single-Celled Organisms
Analyse Transport Systems in Multicellular and Single-Celled Organisms
Explain Transport Systems in Multicellular and Single-Celled Organisms
Understand Transport Systems in Multicellular and Single-Celled Organisms
Analyse Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Jane Eyre'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Jane Eyre'
Evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation of themes in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Explore how Themes Develop in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Understand the Context of 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in 'Ozymandias'
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in Extract from 'The Prelude' and other Poems
Compare and Evaluate the Presentation and Effectiveness of ideas in 'London'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Key Themes in 'The Prelude'
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Taste of Honey.'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Analyse the Role of the Key Characters and Their Development in 'Never Let Me Go'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'A Taste of Honey'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'A Taste of Honey'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Anita and Me'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Blood Brothers'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Lord of the Flies'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Never Let Me Go'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'A Taste of Honey'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Lord of the Flies'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and Their Development in 'Never Let Me Go'
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Evaluate the Use of Phytomining and Bioleaching in Metal Extraction
Evaluate the Use of Phytomining and Bioleaching in Metal Extraction
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Analyse the role of key characters and their development in 'Macbeth'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and Their Impact in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Romeo and Juliet'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Merchant of Venice'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Macbeth'
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (3) - Macbeth and Banquo Meet the Witches (Act I, Scene 3)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (4) - Macbeth is Persuaded (Act I, Scene 7)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (5) - Macbeth's Dagger Soliloquy (Act II, Scene 1)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (6) - Duncan's Murder (Act II, Scene 2)
Reading Shakespeare: Macbeth (7) - After the Murder (Act III, Scene 2)
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Analyse the Role of the Key Characters and Their Development in 'Never Let Me Go'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'An Inspector Calls'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Animal Farm'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Anita and Me'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Never Let Me Go'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Anita and Me'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and Their Development in 'Never Let Me Go'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in Animal Farm
Analyse Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and Their Development in 'Jane Eyre'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Analyse the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Evaluate Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate Key Quotations and their Impact in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'A Christmas Carol'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Great Expectations'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'Jane Eyre'
Evaluate the effectiveness of the presentation of themes in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Themes in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Evaluate the Role of Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Explore how Themes Develop in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and Their Development in 'A Christmas Carol'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Great Expectations'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'Pride and Prejudice'
Identify and Explain Key Characters and their Development in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Identify and Explain Key Quotations in 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Understand the Context of 'The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'
Compare and Evaluate the Effectiveness and Presentation of Ideas in Extract from 'The Prelude' and other Poems
Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Presentation of Key Themes in 'The Prelude'
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Evaluate the Use of Phytomining and Bioleaching in Metal Extraction
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Explain the Structures and Roles of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Understand the Main Structures and Functions of the Circulatory System
Understand the Main Structures and Functions of the Circulatory System
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Understand Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions and the Haber Process
Analyse the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Compare the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Understand How Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Relate to Chemical Bonds
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Classify Features and Functions of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
Understand Collision Theory and Calculate the Rate of Chemical Reactions
Use Collision Theory to Explain the Factors that Affect Reaction Rates
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Biology Separate Science
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Biology Separate Science
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Biology Separate Science
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Biology Separate Science
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Separate Sciences.
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Separate Sciences.
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Separate Sciences
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Separate Sciences
GCSE Maths Paper One (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of AQA - Non Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper Three (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of AQA - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper Two (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of AQA - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper One (Higher, Non-Calculator) Practice Paper in the Style of AQA
GCSE Maths Paper Three (Higher) Practice Paper in the Style of AQA - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper Two (Higher) Practice Paper in the Style of AQA - Calculator
GCSE Phyics Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Separate Science
GCSE Phyics Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Separate Science
GCSE Physics Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Separate Science
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Physics Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Physics Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Physics Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Physics Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of AQA Trilogy
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel Biology Separate Science
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the style of Edexcel seperate science
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel Biology Separate Science
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel Biology Separate Science
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel combined
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel separate science
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel separate science
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel separate science
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel separate science
GCSE Maths Paper One (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel - Non Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper Three (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper Two (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper One (Higher) Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel - Non Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper Three (Higher) Practice Paper in the Style of Edexcel - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper Two (Higher, Calculator) Practice Paper in the Style of Pearson Edexcel
GCSE Physics Paper 1 Foundation in the style of Edexcel Separate Science (1F)
GCSE Physics Paper 1 Higher in the style of Edexcel Separate Science (1H)
GCSE Physics Paper 2 Foundation in the style of Edexcel Separate Science (2F)
GCSE Physics Paper 2 Higher in the style of Edexcel Separate Science (2H)
GCSE Physics Paper 1 Higher in the Style of Edexcel Combined Science (5H)
GCSE Physics Paper 2 Foundation in the Style of Edexcel Combined Science (6F)
GCSE Physics Paper 2 Higher in the Style of Edexcel Combined Science (6H)
GCSE Physics Paper 5 Foundation in the Style of Edexcel Combined Science (Paper 1)
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Science A
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway A
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Science A
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway A
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Separate Science Biology A
GCSE Biology Paper 1 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Separate Science Biology A
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Separate Science Biology A
GCSE Biology Paper 2 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Separate Science Biology A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 1 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Chemistry A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 2 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Chemistry A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Chemistry A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 4 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Chemistry A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Science A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 3 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Science A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 4 Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Science A
GCSE Chemistry Paper 4 Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR Gateway Science A
Physics Higher Practice Paper (5) in the Style of OCR Science Gateway A
GCSE Biology Paper Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR 21st Century Science B
GCSE Biology Paper Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR 21st Century Science B
GCSE Combined Paper Foundation Practice Paper in the Style of OCR 21st Century Science B
GCSE Combined Paper Higher Practice Paper in the Style of OCR 21st Century Science B
OCR GCSE Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) Breadth in Physics Foundation Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) Breadth in Physics Higher Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Physics B (Twenty First Century Science) Depth in Physics Foundation Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Biology B (Twenty First Century Science) Breadth in Biology Foundation Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Biology B (Twenty First Century Science) Breadth in Biology Higher Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Biology B (Twenty First Century Science) Depth in Biology Foundation Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Biology B (Twenty First Century Science) Depth in Biology Higher Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Chemistry B (Twenty First Century Science) Breadth in Chemistry Foundation Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Chemistry B (Twenty First Century Science) Breadth in Chemistry Higher Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Chemistry B (Twenty First Century Science) Depth in Chemistry Foundation Tier Practice Paper
OCR GCSE Chemistry B (Twenty First Century Science) Depth in Chemistry Higher Tier Practice Paper
GCSE Maths Paper 01 (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of OCR - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper 02 (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of OCR - Non Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper 03 (Foundation) Practice Paper in the Style of OCR - Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper 04 (Higher, Calculator) Practice Paper in the Style of OCR
GCSE Maths Paper 05 (Higher) Practice Paper in the Style of OCR - Non Calculator
GCSE Maths Paper 06 (Higher) Practice Paper in the Style of OCR - Calculator
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