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English, maths, science

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SATs, GCSE & 11+ revision materials

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English, maths, science

Key Stage 1 to GCSE

Beginner, intermediate & advanced 11+

SATs, GCSE & 11+ revision materials

Premium activities & assessments

We also offer Family subscriptions, as well as plans for both Teachers & Tutors.

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Aligned to the National Curriculum from years 1 -9 and exam boards at GCSE. 

Covers English, maths and science topics your child would learn in school

Automatically marked with teacher feedback


Adaptive assessments and practice papers help you identify gaps in learning 

Weekly reporting direct to your inbox. View completed activities in your parent dashboard

Automatic recommendations on what to practise next


Points awarded for each correct answer

Badges earned for key learning milestones

Set individual goals and personalised rewards to keep your child motivated

Award winning resources used by leading institutions

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Access thousands of homeschooling resources in English, maths, science and 11+

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