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Punctuate Text Using a Range of Punctuation

In this worksheet, students will practise using capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks and commas. They will recognise their correct use and spot mistakes.

'Punctuate Text Using a Range of Punctuation' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Appropriate Punctuation

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Imagine you're telling a story to your friend, but instead of using your voice, you're building it with blocks!


We use capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, and commas like special blocks that help you to make your story clear and exciting.




Capital letters: They're like big, friendly giants at the beginning of names and sentences.


letters I went to Mr John's class on Tuesday.

Full stops: These are like little rest stops at the end of your sentences. They let your friend take a breath, understand what you just said, and get ready for the next part of the story. Without them, your story would just be one long, confusing mess!

red circle full stop  The school play is this week. It is all about sea creatures.

Question marks: These are at the end of a question and they need an answer or might make you think what happens next?

girl thinking question marksWhere are you going today? What will happen to the rocket?

Exclamation marks: These are like fireworks exploding at the end of a sentence! They show big feelings like surprise, excitement, or maybe even a little bit of fear.

red exclamation markWow, what an exciting day! Hooray!

Commas: These are like gentle pauses in the middle of your sentences. They help you to separate different parts of your story and make it flow smoothly.


black commaAt the shop I need to get apples, cheese, bread and milk.



Let's try spotting and adding some punctuation in this activity!


little girl with glasses and lightbulb

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