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Use the Prefixes Sub-, Inter- and Pre-

In this worksheet, students will become familiar with the prefixes sub-, inter- and pre-.

'Use the Prefixes Sub-, Inter- and Pre-' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Word Reading

Curriculum subtopic:   Root Word Awareness

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Prefixes are groups of letters added in front of a root word to make a new word.


For example:

Sub + marine = submarine

Pre + school = preschool

Inter + connected = interconnected

Bi + cycle = bicycle




If we are familiar with the meanings of prefixes, it will help us to understand the meaning of words.


The Prefix Pre-

The prefix pre- means before so preschool means before school. Some children go to preschool before they are old enough to go to school. School is a root word as it doesn’t have a prefix or suffix added on.


Can you think of any other words with the prefix pre?


We have:




Prehistoric means before historical records (it’s very old).

Premix means to mix together beforehand. You often need to premix the ingredients for a recipe.




The Prefix Sub-

The prefix sub- means below or under.

This helps us to understand the meaning of words like submarine.




Sub- means under and the root word marine means sea so a submarine travels under the sea.


Can you think of any other words with the prefix sub?


We have:




If something is substandard, it is below standard (not good enough).

A subway is a tunnel below a road where pedestrians can travel.


The Prefix Inter-

What does the prefix inter- tell us in the word interconnected?


The prefix inter- means between or amongst.

Interconnected means things that are connected with each other.


a chain


Here are some other words beginning with the prefix inter-





If something is international, it is happening between different countries.

If two things are interacting, they are having an effect on each other.


In this activity, you’ll be using prefixes to help you understand the meaning of words.

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