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Identify Personification, Onomatopoeia and Alliteration

In this worksheet, students will identify alliteration, onomatopoeia and personification used in a text.

'Identify Personification, Onomatopoeia and Alliteration' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Reading: Comprehension

Curriculum subtopic:   Discuss Author Language

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

How could you describe the pumpkin below?




You may have come up with some adjectives to describe the pumpkin like round and orange.


We can also use personification to describe the pumpkin.

Personification is where we bring an object, or part of an object, to life by giving it human features.


We could say:

The wrinkled pumpkin wanted me to pick it.


We have personified the pumpkin by giving it wrinkles.

We have also personified the pumpkin by saying it wanted me to pick it. Pumpkins can’t actually want people to pick them - this is a human action.


We could also add alliteration to make this sentence sound even better.


The perfectly wrinkled pumpkin picked me to choose it.


Can you see that we have several words beginning with p near each other?


This is called alliteration.

Alliteration is where two or more words near or next to each other begin with the same sound.


Another great language device that authors use is onomatopoeia.

Onomatopoeia is where words sound like the noise they are describing.


Look at the examples of onomatopoeia below:


onomatopoeic words


In this activity, you’ll be on the hunt for personification, alliteration and onomatopoeia. Good luck.

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