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Look at How Magnets Attract and Repel

In this worksheet, students will look at what happens when two magnets are brought together.

'Look at How Magnets Attract and Repel' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Forces and Magnets

Curriculum subtopic:   Predicting Magnetism

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview


When we are finding out about forces, magnets are often included because of the invisible force field around them which can affect other objects.




A force is usually seen as a push or a pull and it makes other objects move or stop moving, or even change direction. Magnets can pull things towards them or push them away. They can also make them spin round.


Magnets have two poles - a north pole and a south pole.


Have you ever heard the term 'opposites attract'? This means that the opposite poles are attracted to each other - they pull towards each other. So a north pole and a south pole of two different magnets will be attracted to each other.


magnets attracting


However, if we try to put two of the same poles together (north and north or south and south), they will repel each other, which means that they push away from each other. 


In this activity, you'll have a chance to try out your knowledge of magnets and use your powers of scientific deduction to find out what's going on.

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