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Understand the Meaning of Key Words Used with Electrical Circuits

In this worksheet, students will learn some key words and electrical circuit related vocabulary.

'Understand the Meaning of Key Words Used with Electrical Circuits' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Electricity

Curriculum subtopic:   Energy in Circuits

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In the topic of electricity there are many different electrical terms that we need to understand.


Let's look at the electrical terms volts, electrons, amps and watts.




Volts - imagine electricity as water flowing through a pipe. Volts are like the pressure of the water pushing it through the pipe. The higher the volts, the stronger the push.


Electrons - imagine the water flowing through the pipe is made up of tiny particles - these are the electrons.


Amps - these are the amount of water flowing through the pipe. The higher the amps, the more electrons are flowing.


Watts - these are like the power of the water. It's a measure of how much work the electricity can do.


green tick


Volts measure the push of the electricity, amps measure the amount of electricity flowing and watts measure the power or work the electricity can do.


In this activity, you can practise using these terms.


girl thinking

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